Star of David Quilt Block
Free pattern download below

Why I made it
I have a series of videos on TikTok of how to piece a number of traditional blocks. I got a request on TikTok for a Star of David block. So I went looking online for one. There aren’t many. My favorite was Marci Baker’s free paper pieced version because it looks more like the flag of Israel than a lot of others.
But I’m not a paper piecer. If you are, you should stop reading this now and go use Marci’s pattern.
The Star of David is a wonderful compilation of equilateral triangles so I decided to draft up my own version with that distinctive narrow stripe for regular piecing.
In my first attempt I relied on what others had posted on the internet about seam allowances for equilateral triangles, but it didn’t quite all fit together right.
So I got out my old highschool geometry brain and figured out EXACTLY what the seam allowances had to be. I find that fun 🙂
And this one works.

She added extra large triangles to make the block into a table topper.
Should you make it?
It may all fit together nicely, but it’s still a bunch of triangles cut on the bias. You have to be precise in cutting and sewing. And careful with pressing. It’s not a ‘pretty simple’ pattern. It helps to be familiar with cutting and piecing 60-degree triangles. You know you and your own frustration levels.
I’d time how long it takes to make one block before you decide to invest your time into a whole quilt. And that one block would make a nice mini quilt.
The finished block size is as below:

If you are looking to make a smaller Star of David block, I would definitely download Marci Baker’s paper pieced block. Making all the pieces smaller on my pieced block above would just make everything stupidly difficult. Using Marci’s pattern you could easily reduce the pattern size with the copier.
Happy piecing!
And here’s that TikTok!
Click here if the video is not working…