Quilt Bingo
You know when the beginning of your year turns into a recovery from the last year?
And then, you start making lists of all the things that you ‘have’ to do this next year?
And what started as a ‘Let’s make some good resolutions and hit the ground running‘ turns into ‘There’s so much to do I can’t possibly get it all done and I don’t even know how to prioritize it all‘…?
That happened to me this January. After I took some much needed time to hide out and decompress, I started to think about what I wanted to accomplish this year.
At the same time, my daughter showed me her 2025 Bingo card. She put a bunch of fun things she wants to accomplish or do this year on a Bingo card. She’ll be checking things off over the course of the year. It sounded like a great way to keep it focused on ‘play’ not ‘accomplish’, something I need to learn to do 🙂
It’s about having fun, not getting things done
Of course, when I started making my Quilt Bingo card, my first step was to list out all the projects I wanted to complete this year. I have 20 quilt tops (some are more Ebay practice tops, or my late mother’s tops) that need to be longarmed and bound. Plus I have a bunch of quilts I want to design and make (most notably a baby quilt for my first grandchild!!!!)…
…obviously I had way more things I felt I needed to do than spaces on my Bingo card.
And it was starting to feel overwhelming and NOT FUN.
So I took a step back and came up with a different list. A list of fun things to try. Small projects. Designed to light a fire, not check off a list.
What will light your creative fire?
I created a Quilt Bingo card with little adventures and challenges that will spark my creativity. I also created one that would be perfect for a beginning quilter to explore the world of quilting. Of course, you have your own special things that make your creativity spark, so there’s also a blank one you can fill in with what makes you fly.
I’d love to see your Quilt Bingo card! Send me an email or share it on social and tag me!